Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Corona Virus : A Global Travel Concern !

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Corona virus outbreak from Wuhan province of China, has become a great matter of concern for the entire world. This killed hundreds of people and almost paralyzed economic activities in all possible ways. The increasing number of dead is really painful. Entire world is keeping an eye on the situation.

There are few points which need to be followed during travel - irrespective of the destination affected or not affected :

  1. Check travel advisory : First thing you need to do is to check the travel advisory issued by your country. Almost all countries issue travel advisory for such matters. You need to thoroughly check and follow the advisory 
  2. Know about the destination of travel : You need to know about the destination of travel. The information you can get in many places. You need to check the no of cases detected there, precautionary measures taken, no of casualties etc etc
  3. Medical infrastructure : You need to find out the medical infrastructure available in the destination. This is most important thing.
  4. Know precautions :  You need to know precautionary measures need to be taken to avoid getting infected. These steps should be followed throughout your travel.
  5. Know Symptoms : You need to know the symptoms of infection. Early detection helps to control the infection to a huge extent. 
  6. Know the contact and approach of medical facilities :  Whenever you are traveling  you must know the contact details of medical facilities and way to reach there.

We all are praying for quick control of situation.